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Brand Health Tracking

  • Measure the key brand KPIs according to How Brands Grow principles

  • Ad-hoc or cost-effective subscription

  • Unravel supports with practical interpretation of insights


What is the mental market share of your brand?

Your brand is an association network in the mind of your customer. Building brands is the creation, strengthening, and refreshing of relevant memory structures in the brain.

But how do you measure that?

At Unravel Research, we put an end to cumbersome questionnaires and endless PowerPoint decks with metrics that provide little insight into the real state of your brand. We focus our tracker on the latest findings from the science behind brand growth.

Measure What Really Matters

Brand Health Tracking only makes sense when the measured KPIs are fundamental to brand growth and decline. It's a matter of measuring the right KPIs in the right way, with the right people. Brand tracking is precision work.

The Brand Health Tracker by Unravel Research consists of 6 modules that can be combined for a light or full measurement.

  • Basic: Awareness, Attitude, and Word-of-Mouth
  • Brand Image
  • Brand reach of marketing
  • Category Entry Points (CEPs)
  • Distinctive Brand Assets (DBAs)
  • Purchase behavior

If you want to grow in the How Brands Grow manner, then measure in the How Brands Grow manner.

Unravel's Brand Tracker follows proven principles behind brand growth, including the empirical laws of brand growth as popularized by Byron Sharp. But we also delve into neuroscience research: our brand tracker is enhanced with the latest neuromarketing methods to measure unconscious associations.

Tim Zuidgeest

Or discuss the possibilities with Tim, our Lead Consultant
View availability and schedule an online appointment

How it works

Design for the category,
analyze for the buyer,
report for the brand.

Effective brand research looks through the same lens as the customer facing a purchasing decision: the category. This determines our design choices: design for the category.

Comprehensive brand research involves the buyers in the category and studies differences between buyers and non-buyers of the target brand: analyze for the buyer.

Good brand research provides insights that are indicative of – and contribute to – brand growth: report for the brand.

Establish your research rhythm

Our Brand Tracker is modular. The optimal measurement frequency varies per module. Each measurement should be meaningful, depending on the variability of the KPI and the speed at which your marketing can act on research insights.

We recommend quarterly measurements for KPIs that change relatively quickly under the influence of marketing and competitive activities: awareness (for non-buyers), brand image, and reach of marketing. For slower-changing KPIs, we advise a frequency of once per year, including Category Entry Points (CEPs), Brand Assets, and category purchase behavior.

Tim Zuidgeest

Or discuss the possibilities with Tim, our Lead Consultant
View availability and schedule an online appointment

Project Timeline

Unravel conducts neuromarketing brand image research using a proven approach, allowing you to benefit from a quick timeline. This enables us to offer unparalleled project durations of 10 working days.

  • Day 1-4: Kick-off & preparation (one-time)

    In the first week, the associations to be measured and target audience criteria are determined in consultation with the client. Unravel provides advice on the most meaningful associations for each image issue. This phase can be skipped in additional waves.

  • Day 5-7: Fieldwork

    During the fieldwork days, respondents complete the Brand Tracker online. It includes the modules you choose.

  • Day 8-10: Data analysis and reporting

    Raw data is cleaned, processed individually, and then transformed into performance scores at the brand level. Unravel takes an active role in interpreting scores: what are the implications for marketing?

Tim Zuidgeest

Or discuss the possibilities with Tim, our Lead Consultant
View availability and schedule an online appointment

"The neuro research was super valuable to us. With our new campaign we have consciously opted for neuro research. That way we don't get socially desirable answers, but real insights."
Ingrid de Jong - Brand Manager Pearle



KPI modules


Day Lead Time



Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to conduct the research only once?

Yes, although Brand Health Tracking is particularly valuable with multiple measurements, we also offer options for one-time tests. If you opt for multiple measurements throughout the year, you will receive a discount.

Do I also get insights about competitors?

Yes, for many brand health metrics (such as mental market share), the relative difference compared to competitors is crucial. We recommend the following selection of competitors:

  • All market leaders
  • A selection of brands with average market share
  • Some brands with low market share
  • Private label if it has a substantial market share
A KPI from our previous brand tracker is not among the modules. Can I have it added?

During a joint kick-off, the client and Unravel will discuss the KPIs. In this discussion, we consider the evidence for the KPI based on research literature and decide on the inclusion of this or a similar KPI.

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