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Heineken & RealEye

Online Eye Tracking for the Optimal Shelf Placement of Heineken Silver

Tom van Bommel

Responsible for this research

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Tim Zuidgeest

Main question

What's the best placement for Heineken Silver to attract attention and increase sales?

Heineken released Heineken Silver, positioning it as a lighter and more premium version of the regular Heineken lager. With the introduction of new products, shelf location in retail is always a point of debate. Will the product be seen on the store shelf?

In order to investigate what placement is best serving, Unravel Research conducts Eye Tracking experiments to test shelf layouts. This shelf layout research maps the attention value and experience of the product before its introduction to the market.

What is the best placement forĀ a specificĀ product?

The best shelf layout depends on the target product. For example: products (slightly below) eye level grab most attention, so every marketeer would like to put his/her target product there.

(text continues below image)

But the layout does not only rely on the goal of the product, it also relies on its attributes.

Where do people (un)consciously look when looking for a light beer? Or a premium beer? This is where psychology comes in.

According to the natural expectations, a light item is always expected above a heavy item, or otherwise on the left of it (Sunaga et al., 2016).

The same holds true for premium products. Since budget products are usually placed on the bottom, this automatically creates the expectation of premium products to be placed on top (Chandon et al., 2009).

Left or top?

In both cases, thereā€™s room to argue why it would work. Left placement is usually favorable because of the reading direction of most western countries. On the other hand, top placement has an advantage in that itā€™s more centered and closer to theĀ 'hot spot'.

In the case of Heineken Silver where both premium and light attributes of the product could contribute to the most intuitive spot in the shelf, whatā€™s better than to put it to the scientificĀ test?

We've used RealEye as our webcam eyetracking technology vendor for this case.

Study Design

We designed different shelf layouts; one condition placed Heineken Silver on top of Heineken Lager, and the other placed Silver on the left of it.

During the experiment, subjects got various search assignments: in the free search they looked around and picked a product theyā€™d like. In the directed search, we investigated the strength of the light and premium attributes of Heineken Silver. This reveals if the optimal location is depending on the search strategy and which one works best for Heineken Silver.

Online versus lab-based eye tracking

During all these search experiments, the eye movements of subjects were recorded. Eye tracking experiments are often conducted in the lab where our high-end eye tracking hardware records eye movements using an infrared light.

For this experiment, we decided to go online. In this case, hundred subjects conducted the experiment at home using their webcam to record the movements of their pupils. Using online eye tracking, itā€™s easy to gather a lot of subjects in a relatively short amount of time and moreover they may be distributed all over the world.

Although online eye tracking may sacrifice some eye tracking accuracy compared to lab-based eye tracking, online studies are preferred for example when your target audience is located all over the world and the study has to be completed within a short period of time.

To the left, to the left!

Looking at the results, all types of search (looking freely, looking for premium beer or looking for light beer) were showing that Heineken Silver attracted most attention when positioned on the left of Heineken Lager compared to the positioning at the top of the shelf.

When Heineken Silver is primarily marketed as premium beer, itā€™s best positioned at the left side of the shelf. This side significantly outperforms the top placement when consumers are looking for premium beer.

Meanwhile, when Heineken Silver is primarily marketed as a light beer, it still grabs attention most quickly when positioned on the left. However, the difference between top and left is less pronounced.

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